Tuesday, September 23, 2014

 Thirteen or fourteen years ago, I went to Oaxaca with my family and friends. We stayed there for 4 day. In our trip we stop in Tehuacan, and after that we went to our destination. We visited “Puerto Escondido”. That place has a beautiful beach and big hotels because is a touristic zone. The weather was sunny and fresh. When we were there, we had a great experience we could touch a big oldest turtle. Normally in those places, it’s very common that people eat different kinds of fish. Also, we had the opportunity of visit “Juquilita”, that place is a big church in Oaxaca, and is about the Juquilita’s virgin. A lot of people visit her; most of them are of different states or countries. They arrive there for make her some prayers. I remember that my family bought a T-shirt as a souvenir from Puerto Escondido and Juquilita. We enjoyed that trip, and I would like to visit it again.

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