Monday, October 6, 2014

What's your idea of fun?

There are people that think is embarrassed to call the radio, for request a song or send greetings to their family or friends.
They even to believe that win a ticket or presents, it’s so disgraceful.However I have luck for win tickets for concerts, cinema, circus or another thing, as long as the presents are to my liking.
Sometimes I call to radio and I talk normal, as if I was talking with my friends or family. I fell that it’s a great experience and funny, because you can to send greetings for your family or your secret love.
When I call my family tells me, that I’m very crazy. And when I win something, they tell me “You are a lucky girl”.
Just enjoy my presents or whatever thing, because not always anybody give you something, or we don’t have the opportunity to win a present.
I like to do that, for me it’s awesome. I don’t matter, what they can to say me.

Karen Sánchez Puebla, Mexico

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